Wednesday 30 January 2019


  1. Who published a massive 4 volume collection of Tamil folk tales, ‘ The Folklores of South India”?
  2. In the Swadeshi flag (red,green and yellow), there were 8 lotuses representing __________and a crescent moon representing_________.
  3. Swaraj flog designed by Gandhiji in 1921 had 3 colours _________.The spinning wheel in the centre represented ______________
  4. The painting of Bharat Mata was created by__________
  5. The first image of Bharat mata as an allegory or person was first created by________
  6. ‘Who wrote Anandmath?
  7. Who gave the idea of a separate nation for Muslims?
  8. Who was the muslim leader who was willing to give up the demand for separate electorates for muslims in return for reservation in Central assembly and proportional representation in Muslim dominated provinces.
  9. Name a leader of Muslim League?
  10. What was Hindu Mahsabha?
  11. What was Depressed Classes Association?When was it formed?
  12. When was Poona pact signed and between whom?What did it agree for?
  13. When was  Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress formed?
  14. In which year did the second round table conference take place?
  15. When was federation of indian chamber of commerce and industry is established?
  16. When was hindustan socialist republican army founded?
  17. When the leaders of HSRA?
  18. When was civil disobedience movement relaunched?
  19. Where did the second round table conference take place?
  20. When did gandhi irwin pact take place?
  21. When was Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan disciple of mahatma gandhi arrested during civil disobedience movement ?
  22. How many followers marched with gandhiji during the dandi March ?
  23. When did gandhiji reach and made salt?
  24. Who was the viceroy at the time of dandi March?
  25. When was the letter of eleven demands presented to lord irwin by gandhiji?
  26. On which date did the lahore session of congress take place?
  27. Who was the chairman of lahore session of congress?
  28. When was the offer of dominion status promised by britishers?
  29. Why was simon commission boycotted?
  30. Who was the leader of simon commission?
  31. Who founded swaraj party and why?
  32. When did the chauri chaura incident take place?
  33. What was the demand of plantation workers slogans did they chant?
  34. What was the inland emigration act of 1859?
  35. When was alluri sitarama raju captured and executed?
  36. When was awadh kisan sabha established and who was its leader?
  37. What is begar?
  38. Who was baba ramchandra?
  39. Why did the non cooperation movement subside?
  40. What is picketing?
  41. Why did justice party in madras not boycott the council elections?
  42. In which session of congress a compromise was worked out and non cooperation movement adopted?
  43. What do you mean by boycott?
  44. Name the book it was mahatma gandhi's ideology behind non cooperation has been depicted?
  45. when was hind swaraj published
  46. In which session of congress that need to start a non cooperation movement was espoused?
  47. Who lead the khilafat movement in india?
  48. On which date and day the infamous jallianwala bagh incident took place?
  49. What do you mean by satyagraha?
  50. When did mahatma gandhi returned to india?
  51. What do you mean by forced recruitment?


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