Wednesday 30 January 2019


  1. When did vietnam formally gain independence ?
  2. Name the areas that comprise indo-china ?
  3. Name of port founded by portuguese merchants in vietnam?
  4. Who was francis garnier?
  5. When did the french troops land in vietnam?
  6. When was french indochina formed?
  7. Who was the blind poet who wrote and bemoaned on what was happening to his country in vietnam?
  8. When was the link between yunan and china completed in railways?
  9. Who was the influential writer and policy maker who believed that got me of the qualities needed to be developed?
  10. Who are indentured labour?
  11. Who was jean dupuis?
  12. Who were colons?
  13. When was tonkin free school established?
  14. When did a major protest erupt in the saigon native girls school over seating of a french girl?
  15. What was annanese student?
  16. When did bubonic plague strike hanoi?
  17. Who was confucius?
  18. When did the scholars revolt take place?
  19. Who was father borie?
  20. When did the hoa hao movement begin and by whom?
  21. Where was hyun phu so exiled?
  22. Who formed revolutionary society in 1903 with prince cuong de as the head?
  23. What do you mean by republic?
  24. When was restoration society established in tokyo?
  25. When did japan defeat russia?
  26. When did china become a republic in under whom?
  27. When did japan occupy vietnam?
  28. Who formed indo chinese communist party?
  29. What is vietminh?
  30. Who was general henry naware?
  31. After the french defeat which peace treaty followed?
  32. What is obscurantist?
  33. Who overthrew bao dai?
  34. Name the electrical fuses of vietnam?
  35. What was national liberation front?
  36. Name the bombs and chemical weapons used during us vietnam war?
  37. Name a hollywood movie which was made in support of us vietnam war?
  38. What was domino effect?
  39. Name a  movie which criticized us vietnamese war?
  40. Who was do sam?
  41. Who wrote a play based on the lives of trung sisters?
  42. Who was trieu Au?
  43. When did the national liberation front occupy presidential palace in saigon?
  44. Why has us vietnam is war been called the first television war?
  45. Who has called as war the greatest threat to peace to national self determination and to international cooperation?
  46. When was paris peace treaty signed?

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