Sunday 21 January 2018

Test on Nationalism in India along with answers

Class –X Social Science (Nationalism in India)
General Instruction: -
All Question are Compulsory.
Question No.1 to 4 Carry one marks each.
Question No. 5 to 10 carry three marks each.
Question No. 11 to 12 carry five marks each.
1. Who was the leader of the peasants in the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh?
2. Which pact reserved seats for Dalits in the provincial and central legislative assembly?
3. Which political party formed within the congress to argue for return to council elections?
4. Why did Gandhiji begin fast unto death when Dr B. R. Ambedkar demanded separate
electorate for Dalits?
5. Which political solutions were adopted by Dalits leaders to the problems of their
6. Why did the growth of nationalism in the colonies linked to anti colonial movement?
7. Why did the Rich peasant communities become active in the Civil Disobedience
8. What was the impact of Infamous Jallianwalla Bhag incident over Society and British
9. Who gave the slogan “Inquilab – Zindabad”? What do you understand by this slogan?
10. A. Two features A and B are marked in the given political map of India. Identify these
features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map.
1. Place where non-cooperation movement was called off
2. Place where no tax campaign was started
B. Locate and Label Amritsar-where Jallianwala Bhag Incident took place with
appropriate symbols on the same map given for identification

11. Read the passage and write down the answers of given questions:
It is said of “passive resistance” that it is the weapon of the weak but the power which is
the subject of this article can be used only by the strong. This power is not passive
resistance. Indeed, it calls for intense activity. The movement in South Africa was not
passive but active……..Satyagraha is not physical force. A Satyagrahi does not inflict pain
on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction… the use of Satyagraha, there is no
ill-will whatever.
A. Who is this great man who spoke these words?
B. Name two methods used by him during the struggle for independence?
C. What is Satyagraha?
D. For what purpose the Satyagraha was used by the person named by you in South
E. What is difference between physical force and soul-force?
12. Identify the reasons that why Muslim Political organizations in India were lukewarm in

their response to the civil disobedience Movement.

1. Alluri Sitaram Raju
2. Poona Pact
3. Swaraj Party
4. Separate electorate would create divisions in the society.
5. A. Many Dalits leaders were keen on different political solutions to the problems of the
B. They began organizing themselves and demanding reserved seats in electoral
C. They also asked for separate electorate that would choose Dalits members for
legislative councils.

D. They believed, Political empowerment would resolve the problems of their social
E. Dr B R Ambedkar organized the Dalits and formed a Depressed classes Association in
F. These voluntary organizations also receive financial support from the government for
creating awareness among people.
6. In India the feeling of nationalism is associated with anti colonial movement . In the
process of their struggle against the colonial yoke people began to discover their own
identity of belonging to one nation. By the end of Nineteenth century anti-colonial
Movement in most of the colonies led to the growth of nationalism. The colonial
exploitation led to poverty and caused miseries to the people. The shared a common

hatred against the colonial rule. In colonies the people began to discover their unity in
the process of their struggle against colonialism. Each section of the society felt the effects
of colonialism. The British policy of racialism and that of divide and rule exposed the
nature of their rule and created the feeling of oneness among Indians. They felt the sense
of common hatred against colonial rule.
7. A. Rich peasant communities –like Patidars of Gujarat and the Jatts of Uttar Pradeshwere
active in the movement.
B. Being producers of cash crops, they were very hard hit by the trade depression and

falling prices. For them the fight for swaraj was a struggle against high revenues.
C. As their cash income disappeared, they found it impossible to pay the government’s
revenue demand. And the refusal of the government to reduce the revenue demand
led to widespread resentment.
D. Due to this reason rich peasants become enthusiastic supporters of the civil
Disobedience Movement.
8. A. As the news of Jallianwalla Bagh spread, crowds took to the streets in many north
Indian towns.
B. There were strikes, classes with the police and attacks on government buildings.
C. The government responded with brutal repression, seeking to humiliate and terrorize
D. Satyagrahis were forced to rub their noses on the ground, crawl on the streets, and do
salute to all sahibs.
E. People were flogged and village around Gujranwala in Punjab now in Pakistan were
9. A. The famous slogan Inquilab Zindabad was given by Hasrat Mohani. This famous
slogan inspired the activities of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
particularly Ashfaqulla Khan, Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad.

B. It is a Hindustani phrase taken from Persian which translates to "Long Live
C. It was a common phrase used by revolutionaries during the British rule over India.
D. It was popularized in the activities of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
by revolutionaries such as Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad, who used it to
urge future generations to endorse, and support the party’s rebellious actions.

11. A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Satyagraha and Non-Violence
C. It was a non-violence method of mass agitation against the oppressor. The method
suggested that if the cause was true, if the struggle was against injustice, there is no
need for physical force to fight the oppressor.
D. Against injustice and apartheid system in South Africa,
E. Satyagraha is a soul force whereas arms force is a physical force. Physical force
depends upon ill-will while in the use of Satyagraha there is no ill-will.
12. A. Some of the Muslim political organizations in India were also lukewarm in their
response to the Civil Disobedience Movement.
B. After the decline of the Non- Cooperation–Khilafat movement, a large section of
Muslims felt alienated from the congress.
C. From the mid-1920s the congress came to be more visibly associated with openly
Hindu religious nationalist group like the Hindu Mahasabha.
D. As relation between Hindus and Muslims worsened, each community organized

religious processions with militant fervor, provoking Hindu-Muslim communal
clashes and riots in various cities.
E. Every riot deepened the distance between the two communities.
F. From the mid-1920's the Congress stared being more associated and supportive
towards Hindu religious groups like Hindu mahasabha.So, many Muslim leaders
stared to express their concern about the status of Muslims as a minority within India.
G. Hindu Muslim clashes led to communal riots worsening the relation between the two
communities.The Muslims feared that the culture and identityof minorities would be
submerged under the domination of a Hindu majority.


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