Sunday 21 January 2018

Test on Indo China

Class – X Social Science (Nationalist Movement in Indo-China)
General Instruction: -
All Question are Compulsory.
Question No.1 to 4 Carry one marks each.
Question No. 5 to 10 carry three marks each.
Question No. 11 to 12 carry five marks each.
1. Name the areas which come under the control of French after Franco-Chinese war?
2. When was Francis Garnier commissioned by French to establish control over Vietnam?
3. Which is the most visible form of French control over Vietnam?
4. Name the war after which Tonkin and Anaam came under the French control?
5. What lessons Bernard learnt from the land reforms and Industrialization of Japan?
6. What was the approach of syllabus introduced by French to teach Vietnamese?
7. How would you describe the diversity of religion in Vietnam?
8. Explain the different efforts taken by France to increase the production of rice in
9. How would you explain the formation of French Indo-China?
10. Who were indentured labourers? Elaborate the working condition of indentured
11. Can you explain in detail, the reasons behind the defeat of French troops in the North
Eastern Valley of Dien Bien Phu?

12. What were the main reasons behind the US intervention in the Civil War of Vietnam?

Marking scheme

CBSE TEST PAPER-01 Class –X Social Science (Nationalist Movement in Indo-China) [ANSWERS]
1. Tonkin and Anaam came under French control after Franco-Chinese war

 2. In 1873 Francis Garnier was commissioned by French to establish control over Vietnam.
3. Military and Economic domination is the most visible form of French control over Vietnam.
4. After Franco-Chinese war the Tonkin and Anaam came under the French control.

 5. Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, who strongly believed that colonies should be developed. He argued that that land reforms and industrialisation was neccesary for Japan:
 i. To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural production of the Vietnam as the Japanese had done in the 1890’s.
 ii. This could not ensure sufficient employment. As the experience of Japan showed, industrialisation would be essential to create more jobs.

 6. The French approach of syllabus introduced to teach Vietnamese was: i. School textbooks glorified the French and Justified colonial rule. ii. In the syllabus the Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual Labour but not of intellectual reflection. ii. They could work in the fields but not rule themselves. They were skilled copyists but not creative.
 iii. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam. The approach of the syllabus was to degrade the Vietnamese and glorify French

 7. Vietnam’s religious beliefs were a mixture of Buddhism, Confucianism and local practices. Religious beliefs among the peasantry were shaped by a variety of Syncretic traditions that combined Buddhism and local beliefs. The elites in Vietnam were educated in Chinese and Confucianism. There were many popular religions in Vietnam that were spread by people who claimed to have seen vision of God.

8. The French undertook different efforts to increase the production of rice in Vietnam, like:
 i. The French began building canals and draining lands in the Mekong Delta to increase cultivation. ii. Infrastructure projects were developed to help the transportation of goods.
iii. The system of irrigation works-canals and earth works was built mainly with forced labour. iv. The area under rice cultivation went up from 2, 74,000 hectares in 1773 to 1.1 million hectares in 1900 and 2.2 million in 1930.

9. One of the most visible forms of French control was military. French troops landed in Vietnam in 1858 by the mid 1880s, they had established a firm grip over the northern region. After the Franco-Chinese war, the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam and in 1887 the French Indo-China was formed. In the following decades the French sought to consolidate their position in Vietnam.

10. Indentured labourers worked on the basis of contracts that did not specify any rights of labourers but gave immense power to employers. It was the form of labour widely used in the plantations from the mid-nineteenth century. Their working conditions were very miserable as the employers could impose criminal charges against them for non-fulfilment of their contracts. On the basis of those charges they could be punished and jailed. The labourers worked on the basis of contracts that did not specify any rights of the labourers and gave immense power to employers.

 11. The French troops were defeated in the North Eastern Valley of Dien Bien Phu beacuse: 
i. At Dien Bien Phu the French were outwitted by the Vietminh forces led by General VO Nguyen Giap. The Commander of French forces Navarre, had not thought of all the problems he would face in the battle.
 ii. The valley where French garrisons were located was flooded in the monsoon and the area was covered with bushes, making it difficult to move troops and tanks, or trace the Vietminh anti-aircraft guns hidden in the jungle.
 iii. From their bases in the hills, the Vietminh surrounded the French garrisons in the valley below, digging trenches and tunnels to move without being detected.
 iv. Supplies and reinforcement could not reach the besieged French garrison. 
v. The wounded French soldiers could not move, and the French airstrip become unusable of continues artillery fire.

12. The main reasons behind the US intervention in the Civil War of Vietnam was: 
i. US felt bad with the defeat of its ally country France in 1954 at the fortress of Dien Bien Phu. 
ii. In Geneva Conference Vietnam was divided into two parts - North and South Vietnam. America was against the spread of Socialism. In North Vietnam Socialist
        government was going to be established under the leadership of Ho chi Minh.
 iii. In southern Vietnam National Liberation Front became very strong and they opposed the doctorial rule of Ngo Dinh Diem.
 iv. With the help of the Ho Chi Minh government in the north, The NLF fought for the unification of country. 
v. America was apprehensive of an alliance between National Liberation Front and Ho chi Minh.

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