Monday 17 December 2018

How to score full marks in social science class x Boards 2019


  1. Reading the NCERT book:    How to read
                                             History (4 Chapters)
                                              Democratic Politics (7 Chapters)
                                             Geography (6 Chapters)
                                             Economics (5 Chapters)
The NCERT book should be covered well in advance .It should be your first step in preparation for your paper. Moreover you will not get time to go through them during your preparatory holidays for Board exams. Finish them in the way suggested below so that if you look at them later, you won’t have to waste your precious time.
The NCERT book should be read page by page covering all the intext questions, boxes, pictures, cartoons or any additional information that is given along with the main content.
For example in the pages given in the attachment 1, I found that first few paragraphs did not have any question,definition or any what , why ,where sort of detail, so I crossed them out . This way during my next reading I will skip them initially and will save my time. Also I marked all definitions, or details that had a question about them .I wrote the question side by side so during my next reading I will be aware about the question and will also try to learn them by sieving through the pages. One can use various symbols to identify the questions .For example I use * (star ) to denote that the question is very very important.

  1. Go through the questions at the end of the chapter in all subjects. Always answer them ,or try answering them in either 3 marks or 5 marks because that is how it will be asked during the board exam.Prepare a question bank from the NCERT book (the questions that you marked in the previous step) to supplement questions at the end of the chapter.Take the help of your teacher to identify the important questions.
  2. DON’T rely on a guide (any brand) to supplement your questions.The guides are exhaustive and often have questions which are irrelevant for you.For example they will spend pages and pages on questions which are not at all there in NCERT content.Use guides only for taking help on those answers which you do not know how to write or if you are not able to elaborate your answer to the required length.NCERT books have all content but you will have to elaborate that content to suit your need of anwering 3 or 5 marks question.
  3. Presentation of the answer (Refer topper’s answer sheet )

a)      For one mark answer ( 7 questions will be asked) always write your answer in line or one sentence.These questions will usually be of either defining, date , where, when and why types. Never write your answer in a word.
b)      For 3 marks questions (11 questions will be asked) write your answer in three points. Use subheadings to name your point and then elaborate on it. Don’t start your answer with the points straightaway. Instead first give an introduction of a single line.
A nearly perfect answer

For example:
Q : What are the functions of Political Parties? (3 marks)
A: Political parties are organizations or groups of people who mobilize together on ground of a definite ideology in order to contest elections .Their functions are given below
1)To contest elections:---------(elaboration)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) To form government----------(elaboration)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)To play the role of opposition :--- (elaboration)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) For 5 marks questions ( 7 will be asked) plan your answer with an intro ,subheads( atleast 5) as has been described in the above point. Always underline important names, dates, terms with black pen or pencil.
* It’s very important to add an extra bit to your answer so that your answer stands out in front of the examiner.All candidates in the exam are using the same NCERT book ,guides and supplements.You have to distinguish yourself from them .When the examiner reads your paper ,it should not appear to be a replica of guide or NCERT book. Give your extra kick to the answer by adding something. It could be extra information, date  or diagram and if you have added it, then show it off by underlining it.

d) Map question of 5 marks will be asked (3 + 2) from History and Geography.CBSE has given a list of maps in the curriculum. Religiously follow that list. CBSE has reduced your burden by giving the sites that will be asked. Refer that. Its not possible to learn all the map sites and places.Its not possible for anyone practically. So make a table of all the sites and mention the state to which they belong .Populate this list .You will certainly be able to memorise the location of a few states. So use that location to remember other locations. For example if I know Bellary’s location , I will try to remember other locations by remembering that they are below Bellary or to the left or right of Bellary and so on.

  1. Using Mind maps
Prepare mind maps of important topics and chapters.Some on them you will get online ,some you can prepare on your own.For example this mind  map or digram on factors which affect the location of an industry.
Or if there is a question on Difference between Unitary Government or Federal Government.These mind maps will fetch you better marks, they are easier to remember since they are visual content.(Visual is better remembered).Moreover if in the exams , you don’t have enough time to write the answer , you can always make them and thus score marks.Use tables, categorizations to supplement your answer.

  1. Understand the typology of question
In order to answer a question you must first understand the question.
For example
C) Elaborate
D )Critically analyse
E)Explain three major features
F)Support the statement with arguments.
G)Compare the employment conditions.
H)Define the term
These are a few types.Plan your answer so that the above typologies can be covered.Suppose the question is critically analyse, then you have to analyse as well as give negative points of that thing also.
And in questions of comparison or differentiation it’s always advised to draw a line in between the terms and give your answer in points . For example difference between conventional and non conventional sources.

  1. After completion of syllabus (NCERT book) ,all questions at the end, questions from within the book, supplement questions given by your teacher ,practice from as many sample papers (CBSE) ,Previous year question papers (available in the form of various books, some are solved ,some are unsolved )They have model question papers also.Solve all these keeping in mind the presentation of the answer.Solve it and time your answers.See how much time you are taking for answering 5  marks questions, 3 marks questions. Divide your time accordingly so that you are able to write perfect answers within the stipulated time. Practice so much that once you see your board paper, the answer should immediately come to your mind.The more you practice, the more you will come closer to it.
  2. Get your practice paper corrected from your teacher. Take feedback on each and every question until you come to a perfect score of 80.Work on your feedback and try to improve your answers.
Only after mastering your content ,you will be able to work on your presentation .You have 2 and half month left to master the content and work on your presentation too.
Identify your grey areas, they are different for every child. Work on them.
  1. While preparing your timetable for Social Science,consider 3 important aspects
A)    NCERT Book completion
B)    All questions to be prepared(Exhaustively)
C)    Practice papers to be solved
And with every paper ,upgrade yourself in terms of content as well as presentation.


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