Sunday 24 December 2017

Question paper 2 for Jan test


सामाजिक विज्ञान

                                                             CLASS  - X
 Marks:  80                                                                     Time : 3 Hrs

General  Instructions:
                       1.     The Question paper has 27 questions in all.  All questions are compulsory.
2.     Marks are indicated against each question.
3.     Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are very short answer type questions. Each question carries one mark.
4.     Questions from serial number 8 to 18 are 3 marks questions.
5.     Questions from serial 19 to 25 are 5 marks questions.
6.     Question number 26 and 27 are map questions from Geography and History. After completion please attach the map inside your answer book.

1.      Which secret society was founded by Mazzini?                    (1)

Why was Tonkin free school established?

2.     When was the Vernacular press act passed?                               (1)

Who wrote “Hard Times”?

3.     Which soil is the best for cotton cultivation?                               (1)

4.     Which was the only official language of Sri Lanka?                   (1)

5.     Who issues Currency in India ?                                                   (1)

6.     What is the full form of MNC?                                                   (1)

7.     On which day National Consumer Day is celebrated in India ? (1)

8.     Explain any three  decisions of the congress of Vienna.            (3)

Why did the French want to educate the people of Vietnam?  What was their fear in doing so?

9.     Explain the impact of print on Indian women.                          (3)

Explain how did novels became a popular medium of entertainment among the middle class during   late 19th century

10.                        What is multipurpose river valley project? State any two purposes which are fulfilled by a river valley project?                                       (1+2=3)

11.                        Distinguish between Rabi and Kharif season? (At least three differences)(3)

12.                        What major steps were taken in 1992 towards decentralization?    (3)

13.                        What do you mean by secular state? Give any two provisions that make India a secular state?                                                               (1+2=3)

14.                        Enumerate three challenges which democracies in the world face today?(3)

15.                        Write about three basic components of human  development Index measurement (HDI)used by UNDP .                                   (3)

16.                        What are main functions of Reserve Bank of India?         (3)

17.                        What is trade barrier? How governments can use trade barriers?  (1+2=3)

18.                        Mention any four Organizations that provide certification of standardization in India. What do you mean by ISO?                                        (2+1=3)

19.  Describe any five different social groups which joined the Non Co-operation movement of 1921.(5)

20.                        Who were Gomastha’s?  Why the system of advances proved harmful for the weavers?                                                                      (2+3=5)

What were the effects of the British Government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws?

Explain the life style of workers of mid-19th century in Britain?

21.                        How the industries play a role in environmental degradation? Discuss the steps to be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industries. (2+3=5)

22.                        Why is transport and communication called lifelines of a country? Write any four Problems Faced by Indian Railways?                                           (3+2=5)

23.                        Explain three advantages and two disadvantages of social divisions in democracy.                                                                                    (3+2=5)

24.                        What are the challenges before political parties in India? Explain. (5)

25.                        What do you mean by disguised unemployment?What are the objectives of MNREGA 2005?                                                                           (2+3=5)

26.  On the given outline map of India, identify the following places    (2)

i)Place where Indian National Congress session was held in 1929

ii)The place where Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place.

27.                        On the same outline map locate the following places. (3)

1)Major areas of tea plantation.
2)Hirakud Dam

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