Friday 6 October 2017


I have frequently stressed on the importance of presenting your answers with the help of diagrams and visual material .It not only helps you score better but also makes your answer easier to understand and adds a new touch to the content.Many a time diagrammatic presentation is quite helpful in understanding the intricacies and depths involved in an answer.Below I am suggesting a few diagrams that can be added to your repertoire in order to make your answer better.

In the answer to Power sharing involving forms of power sharing or when you are writing in detail about a form of power sharing ,these diagrams can be used.
Go through them,if you find them good enough and are able to comprehend more through these,kindly request for more or  for specific topics that you are interested in .

Sunday 1 October 2017

Notes .Nationalism in Indo china -gist

 Key concept of the lesson
1. Emerging from the shadow of china- Indo- china comprises the modern countries Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. They were under the shadow of the powerful empire of china.
Colonial domination and resistance- The French controlled their military and economic domination and wanted to reshape the Vietnamese culture.
Need for colonialism by French- To supply natural resources and to civilized the uncivilized people they pressurized Vietnamese government to develop infrastructure to make profits
2. The dilemma of colonial education- To Civilize the native influence of Chinese culture use of French language Tokin free school and western style education resistance in schools.
3) Hygiene Disease and everyday Resistance- Plague strikes Hanoi - The French part of Hanoi was built a beautiful and clean city but the native quarter was not provided with any modern facilities. Rat hunt and Vietnamese workers- Limit to French power
4) Religion and anti colonialism- Vietnamese religious beliefs and their movement- It was a mixture of Buddhism, Confucianism and local practices. French missionaries to correct the Vietnamese introduced Christianity scholar's revolt in 1868 Movement against French contest and the spread of Christianity The Hoa Hao moment begin in 1939 by Huynh Phy. Huynh phu.
5. The vision of Modernization- Resistance to French colonialism, Revolutionary society by phan Boi chau, phanchu trinchand to establish a democratic republic go east moment development in china also inspired Vietnamese nationalists.
6.  The communist  movement and Vietnamese nationalism-   Impact of the great depression of the 1930s  on the Vietnamese, In Feb 1930 Ho chi minh organized the communist party and in 1940  Japan occupied Vietnam as part of its imperial drive to control southeast Asia so the nationalist had to fight against the Japanese and the French. The French tried to regain its control over Indo china division of Vietnam and war for the unification of the country US entry in the war to control communist power.
7. The Nations and its heroes- Role of women as rebels Heroes of past times women as warriors women in times of peace in agricultural cooperatives factories and production units.
8. The End of War- Peace settlement in Paris in January 1974 continuation of war between the Saigon regime and the NLF occupation of the presidential palace in Saigon on 30 April 1975 and unification of Vietnam.
Q.1 why was Tonkin free school established?
a) They wanted to provide western type of education.
b) They wanted to provide education according to the local need.
c) They wanted to use local language.
d) They wanted to provide technical education
Q.2 On which factor was the economy of Vietnam based on?
a) Tea and Rubber Plantation   b) Rice and Rubber plantation
c) Rice and wheat Farming         d)  Rice and Tea plantation
      Q.3 Which of the following step was taken by the French after Bubonic plague in Hanoi?
a) A rat hurt was started              b) Chemicals were sprayed
c) Tree medicines were given       d) None of these 
Q.4 Who among the following wanted to establish a democratic republic in Vietnam?
a) Phan Boi chau                        b)  Phan chu Trinh
c) Ho chi minh                            d) Huynh phu so
Q.5 Who was the founder of the Vietnamese communist party?
a) Fhan chu Trinh                    b) Huynh Phu so
c) Ho chi Minh                        d) Phan Boi chau
Q.6 Why did the US decide to intervene the Vietnam War?
a)  United state supported Japan   b) Communist had gained power
c) United states supported France  d) None of the above
Q.7 A branch of the Restorations society was established in Tokyo by whom?
a) By teachers                            b) By Industrialist
c) By students                            d) None of the above
Q.8 What does NLF stand for?
a) National land force                 b) National legal foundation
c) National liberation force         d) National liberation front
Q.9 Which movement started in against the spread of Christianity by the French.
a) The Hoa Hao moment           b) The Liberation movement
c) The scholars Revolt               d) Go east movement
Q.10 Which of the following Vietnamese women organized a large army to resist the Chinese?
       a) Trieu Au         b) Nguyen Thi xuan    c) Trung sisters d) None of the above
  Short Answer Questions-
Q.1 Why did the French wanted to educate the people of Vietnam?
 What was their fear in doing so?
Ans- Civilizing the Vietnamese, they needed local labour force. They fear the if the Vietnamese were educated they would start questioning colonial 36domination. The French citizen living in Vietnam feared that they might lose their jobs.
Q.2 What steps did the French take to counter the Chinese influence in Vietnam?
Ans- Dismantled the traditional system of education, opened French school for Vietnamese they wanted     
        to replace the use of Chinese language.
Q.3 Why did the students formed various political parties in Vietnam?
Ans- 1. The Vietnamese were presented from qualifying for white coloured jobs 2. The students were inspired by patriotic feeling and decided to fight against injustice  by 1920 the students started political parties.
Q.4 Who was the founder of the Hao Hao movement in 1937? What was his contribution?
Ans-  Huynh Phu started this movement he performed miracles to help the poor. He opposed the sale of child brides gambling using alcohol and opium
Q.5 Explain the main features of go east movement.
Ans- Students went to Japan to acquire modern education, the main aim was to drive out the French from Vietnam Phan Boi chau and many others were forced to seek exile in china.
Long Answers questions                                                                   
Q.1 How did the Vietnamese use their limited resources in the war against the US under the leadership of Ho chi Minh?
Ans- Roads and footpaths were used for transporting men and material from the north to the south. Suppliers were transported in trucks but they were carried by women porters on their backs. The trail had support hospitals and bases along the way.
Q.2 Explain the four measures taken by the French to solve the problem of plague.
Ans- Rat hunt was started in 1902. Hired Vietnamese workers to hunt the rat and were paid for each rat caught now the rat was caught in thousand but still there was no end the sewer cleaners discovered innovative way to profit making.
Q.3 How the Vietnam War came to an end?
Ans-  US had failed to achieve its objective and could not get the support of the Vietnamese people thousands of young US soldiers had  lost their  lives the sense of the war were shown on the T.V therefore strong  reactions in the US as well as the other countries.
Extra Questions-
Q.1 Why do the colonies were felt necessary by the French? Explain
Q.2 why did the schools becomes an important place for political and cultural battles in Vietnam?
Q.3 Explain how the women were shown as warriors in Vietnam?
Q.4 Explain the position of women in Vietnam.
Q.5 Describe the ideas behind the Tonkin Free School. To what extent was it a typical example of colonial ideas in Vietnam?
Answer Key of  Multiple Choice Questions
  1. ( a )                2. ( b )             3. ( a )            4. ( b )       5. ( c )     6. ( b )               7. (c )         
  8. ( d )                9. ( c )            10. ( c )

Revision 2

Social Science
Class X
Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                    Maximum Marks :80
General Instructions :
1. The question paper has 27 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks are indicated against each question.
3. Questions from serial number 1-7are very short answer type of 1 mark each..
4. Questions from serial number 8to 18 are 3 marks questions.
5. Questions from serial number 19 to 25 are 5 marks questions.
6. Question number 26 is a map question of 3marks from History and Question number 27 isa map question of 2 marks from Geography.

1.Why did the ‘Go East Movement’ become popular in Vietnam during the first
decade of 20th Century?
What was Balkan problem?

2.Why did General Dyer open fire on the peaceful gathering at JallianwalaBagh
on 13th April, 1919?

3.What is a mineral .

4.Name any one fossil fuel used to generate thermal electricity.

5.What is collateral’?

6 Distinguish between organised and unorganised sectors in Indian economy.

7.Explain with example difference between overlapping and cross cutting social divisions.
8. What  are the political,  social  and  economic  ideals  supported  by the  liberals  in  Europe  ? 3x1=3
What  was  Phan  Chu  Trinh s  objective for  Vietnam  ?  How  were his ideas different  from those of  PhanBoi  Chau  ?    1+2=3

9. `Some  icons and symbols were used for unifying  the people  and  sparking  in  them the feeling of  nationalism.  Give  two  evidences to support above  statement.  1½+1½=3

10 State the  importance  of  petroleum  as  an energy resource.  Mention any  four oil  fields of India.   2+4x½=3

11.How  are  agriculture and  industries  interdependent  on  each  other ?  Explain  any  three points.    3x1=3

12.How  do industries create  thermal and noise pollution  ?   Mention  their  consequences.      1½+1½=3

13. Differentiate  between  Sectional  Interest  Groups  and  Public  Interest  Groups  with  the help  of examples.    1½+1½=3

14. Why  do  people  prefer democracy ?  Explain  any  three  reasons.    3x1=3

15. Give prudential and moral reasons for power sharing.   3x1=3

16. What is the role of PRI's in Indian political system.  3x1=3

17. Distinguish between conventional and non conventional sources of energy.  1½+1½=3

18 What are the functions of RBI ?   1+2=3

19. Write a short note on Dandi march.Why did Gnadhiji choose salt as a mode of opposition  ?    5

20. What  are the features of Federal structure of Government    5

21. Describe  any five  features of the Ho  Chi  Minh  trail in  the  Vietnamese  war against the  US.    5x1=5

Describe  the  five  stages of  the Unification  of  Germany.    5x1=5

22. Analyse  the  circumstances  which  led  Gandhiji  to  choose  abolition  of
salt tax as  the most important  demand  of  the  Civil  Disobedience  Movement.   5

23. What are the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice ?     5

24. What can b done to increase the role of service sector in Indian economy.   5

25What was the Hoa Hao movement.What steps were taken by French to control it 5

26.. Locate  and  label  the  following  items  with  appropriate  symbols  on  the
  given  political outline  map  India.    1+1+1=3
(A) Kheda  -  The  place  of  Peasant  Satyagrah.
(B)Chauri  Chaura  - The centre  of calling  off  the  Non  Cooperation
(C) The place  where  the  Movement of  Indigo  Planters  was  launched.

27 Three  features  (A),  (B),  (C)  are  marked  in  the  given  political  outline  map  of  India. Identify these features with the help of the   following information and write their correct names  on  the  line marked in  the map.     3x1=3
(A) Bellary
(B) Hirakud


Locate and  label the  following features  on  the  given political outline  map of India. (Use  the  same map  as  for  identification).
(i) Uran  thermal  plant
(ii) Rourkela Iron  Steel plant